Empowering Minds Together
Chuntoh Education Society strives to connect students with the natural world through land-based, outdoor, hands-on, scientific, and culturally relevant activities. Our mission is to support PK-12 science programming that is experiential, culturally relevant, and place-based (incorporating local ecosystems and economies).
Our Programs
We offer two unique programs to benefit our community. Yunk’ut Whuts’odul’eh • We Learn From Our Land focuses on K-12 learners, both in and out of traditional schools. ‘Az Nuhoolyeh • Play outside is designed for preschoolers and the wider community, promoting respect for nature and Elder teachings.

Yunk'ut Whuts'odul'eh -
We Learn from our Land
Focus on K-12 learners, both in and out of traditional schools, to develop skills and respect for growing scientists and future Elders.
Contact us for:
field trips
classroom presentations
home-school forest school
Pro-D day events

'Az Nuhoolyeh -
Play Outside
For preschoolers and the wider community to foster an environment where all learners can become curious scientists and good Elders.
Contact us for:
community outdoor events
day care activities
specialty workshops
​Upcoming Events
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax